Family: Nepticulidae

54     *     Stigmella auromarginella Q

As the mine was vacated it is not possible to confirm identification.
Leaf mine photographs on Bramble, Rubus fruticosus agg. August 2011.
Reddish mine lower left.

Wingspan: 3-5mm
Flight time: June-August and September-November

Food plants: Rosaceae; Rubus, Agrimonia,
Mine: Can be found throughout the year
Egg on upperside of leaf. The mine is a very short corridor with a central line of irregularly interupted frass.

Similar: Stigmella aurella

Stigmella auromarginella Q
Leaf mine on Bramble, Rubus fruticosus agg. Foynes, Co. Limerick, W Ireland. August 2011

All images used are copyright. Please contact me if you find errors.